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No Rumour Health App is now available!

The App powered by the No Rumour Health project partners is now available on Android y iOS.  It is an intuitive app that functions as a reliable source of information on health-related topics. Although it can be used by anyone interested in distinguishing fake news from truthful and reliable information, it is tailored to an audience over the age of 65.

Older adults are more likely to share this type of health hoaxes and may find it more difficult to distinguish this type of false information as they are less accustomed to digital tools. Thanks to the No Rumour Health app, they can test their knowledge with a fun quiz that can be taken individually or as a challenge with another player. The app, available in four languages: English, Spanish, Polish and Greek, has an extensive repository of hoaxes so that users can test the veracity of the news they find on the internet or social networks.

Thus, the app has a news search engine in which it is enough to include a search term to find out if there is any related fake news. It also has an index with the most frequent misinformation on food, treatments, COVID-19, cancer, cardiovascular, respiratory, neurodegenerative, osteoarticular, diabetes, mental health, hearing and vaccines diseases. The application can also be used to access the health disinformation e-modules launched within the framework of this project.

No Rumour Health is a project in which the University of Valencia, the Institute #SaludsinBulos, Danmar Computers, the consultancy firm FyG and EvropeiIxnilates have participated.




No Rumour Health partners have prepared several sessions to present the app live to end users. Thus, there have been face-to-face meetings in Valencia, Madrid and Rzeszów (Poland). The sessions have been addressed to people over 65 years old, who have been able to test the application and learn how to use it.

In addition, some sessions have also been held in which the app has been presented to scientific societies such as the Spanish Society of General and Family Doctors (SEMG) or patients.


To close the No Rumour Health project, the partners have published an eBook on health misinformation. This document provides a summary of the project, explains how it has developed despite the COVID19 pandemic, and has interviewed experts in technology, communication and health to find out their point of view on the reasons for disinformation and how to mitigate it.

They also summarise how the app has been developed to suit the target audience and have a large number of health hoaxes debunked.

Copyright © NoRumourHealth is a project funded by the European Commission under Erasmus+ programme 2019-1-ES01-KA204-064037

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