NoRumourHealth presents a learning platform for helping the elderly to detect health misinformation

NoRumourHealth presents a learning platform for helping elderly to detect health misinformation

NoRumourHealth consortium presents a learning platform to allow older people to detect false health information. The learning resources are now available in English and, over the next few months, they will also be in Spanish, Polish and Greek.

NoRumourHealth project aims to offer older people resources so that they are able to detect false information in relation to health. This project, funded by the European Union within the framework of the Erasmus + KA2 program, began in December 2019 and has gained special since the spread of health hoaxes increased with the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-19 pandemic. As the members of the consortium explain, recent studies show that the elderly population tends to share information from false or dubious domains more frequently. For this reason, it is important to offer them resources that help them to differentiate information of quality and, thus, avoid the consequences that they could have on their health.

Learning platform

The platform can be reached by clicking on the following link

Each of the four modules consists of an explanatory video and extra resources for users who want to access more information. In addition, users can take a questionnaire on each of the modules in order to self-assess their level of knowledge.

The first module provides an introduction to the most frequent topics, the second is a guide on how to detect them, and the third offers guidelines and tips to manage false information and avoid becoming a spreader of false information.

A project for the elderly

One of the novelties that NoRumourHealth brings is the perspective towards the literacy of elderly people. For this reason, the platform that is already available and the application in which the Consortium is still working, are specially designed to meet the needs of this population group.

The consortium members have collected data about the interests, concerns and needs of the elderly in order to create tailored resources


